Hands down, a chef’s knife is the most useful tool in the kitchen. A quality chef’s knife that’s properly maintained will save you time in the kitchen and keep you out of the emergency room (eep!). I’m not sure about you, but I’m hard pressed to remember a meal I’ve made without a chef’s knife at my side.Continue Reading
10 Social Media Rules for Healthier Communication
Social media revolves around communicating with each other. At the same time it shows us how inept at it we are. Social sites range from blogs with comment sections like this one, to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, to media-sharing sites like YouTube and Pinterest. Mastering each of these is an art form, and there have been plenty of posts written about it.
But not this one. Instead of the “10 Things to Do if You Wanna’ Be Big” routine, I’ve decided on another approach. This article focuses on finding our humanity in and adding value to social media. I’ve written some guidelines that, after years of online shenanigans, have proven helpful to me. I don’t consider myself a master (or even close to one) of social media, so feel free to add your own insights in the comments below.Continue Reading
Nonstick Pans: Top 10 Rules for Using Them
Note: Post updated 25 January 2016. Nonstick pan pictures coming soon!
It seems that all of us have a few nonstick pans lying around, and some of them are super old. Most of them are ones we picked up on the cheap from Target or Bed, Bath and Beyond. I think I’m still using one from 2003 that’s all scratched up and wobbles. Seriously, why do I even keep it around?
Pan manufacturers have upped their game in the past few years, creating super hard non-stick coatings that are scratch resistant. So much so, that you can get away with using metal utensils in them… or so they claim. I guess time will tell. These ones usually cost a pretty penny more.Continue Reading