I’m a minimalist shoes guy, plain and simple. We have a shoe rack with four rows in our closet. It’s simple and does the job. Out of the four rows, my shoes take up two, plus some space off to the side and in the back closet. Maybe I have a problem. A few years ago I started wearing 0 mm heel-to-toe drop shoes with wide toe boxes. You may have heard them called zero-drop shoes. I loved them, and have slowly graduated from standard zero-drop shoes to minimalist shoes, and sometimes barefoot shoes.
Converse and I have always had a love affair. Their shoes get me, and I get their shoes. Way too many of them, ahem. They’re flat and comfortable; we’ve been inseparable for years. The only time I didn’t wear Converse is when I worked out. So… pretty much never. For those purposes, I wore Altra Instincts. Altra’s were my first wide toe box shoe. I loved them. From them on, it was me, Converse, and Altra taking on the world.
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