Smoothies are an excellent choice for anyone who loves fruit and cold drinks. They’re especially tasty in the spring and summer months. One of the greatest parts about them, is they’re super easy to make! Time to brag just a little bit, but I’ve made numerous smoothies that were homemade in minutes that tasted better than the Jamba Juice or Orange Julius smoothies that cost $4.99 a piece–honestly, it’s extremely simple, especially with a good blender. I’ve been working on a quite a few different smoothie recipes, but for now, here’s a common way to make orange julius. I enjoy drinking this with popcorn while watching a movie, or in the mid-summer heat. Honestly, I can’t think of a time that I didn’t enjoy drinking this. Enjoy!
Orange Julius
BIG portions serve 2 people.
Little portions serves 4 people.
Blend all ingredients except ice until frothy. Fill the blender with ice chunks and blend again until chunks smoothly blend with liquid. Add more ice and water to pleasure, blend, then serve. And of course, if you like a crunchier orange julius, blend less.
From here you can get even more creative by usingless orange juice concentrate and in it’s place using other fruits or berries, etc. If you’re going to use bananas, I recommend freezing them first, or they’ll turn to a foamy mush when blended.
Do you have any comments or suggestions for smoothie lovers? Let’s hear them in the comments below.
I love orange julius! Cute post, it’s well written. I prefer a smoother orange julius where the ice is finely crushed.
i agree this is very well written. I will try this in the weekend. Thanks Chris!!!!