It’s sad to think summer is finally coming to an end. It’s also sad that the best watermelons I’ve had all summer long were among the last I’ll have this year. At least I’m ending on a high note, right?
Over the summer, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to cut watermelon. I’ve had a blast as I’ve chopped them away, bit by bit. In hindsight, I probably should have taken a few pictures to share with you. Oh well, maybe next time. As I cut up my latest watermelon for the kids and smoothies, I ended up playing around and cutting faces into the slices, and that’s when it hit me–there had to be somebody out there who has carved a melon head.
So today, I bring you a collection of 15+ melon heads, carved by random people in random places. I’ve tried to credit original sources (as far as I can tell), but the nature of the internet is that it’s nearly impossible to track picture sources down. I’d love to keep adding to this list, so if you know of any others, let me know!
So without further ado, I bring you…
15 Melon Head Fruit Carvings
From PuffyMarine.
From Keeton C.
From bstacey37.
From Keeton C.
From fjoyner.
And because I’m feeling like going the extra mile, here are some…
First comment! Wooohooooooo!
Curse you for reminding me that summer is mostly over.