This is a must watch. You don’t want to miss this.
Jamie makes some excellent points and is rather persuasive on this topic. I agree with all of his points with the exception of government being the solution to controlling fast food. If change is going to happen, it needs to come from the bottom up; change by parents; change by communities; change by mom and pop restaurants. Change that inspires and promotes a better lifestyle. If consumers demand healthier food from restaurants and schools, and step up and lead with their convictions, change will happen.
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What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments below.
here in Philippines, obesity is also becoming a problem. More and more children are getting obese due to a lifestyle that is not fully of physical activities. most kids just wants to watch TV, play computer games and surf the net.
Thanks for sharing Chris.
I agree with you. I posted the same in my blog. This is such a wonderful cause! 🙂
More power! 🙂